Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dealing with Rejection and Drop Outs

The Story of Simple Simon

Rejection and Drop outs. Much too often, we all have to deal with these issues in our businesses. Can this ever be a positive thing?

Let me tell you a story. It was almost a year ago that my friend Simon (that's not his real name) called me on the cell phone. He had just sat through an hourlong presentation with a gentleman and wanted my opinion on that particular business opportunity.

I answered his question by asking him a question, "Why do you want to get involved?" He answered "residual income." And he proceeded to tell me all about what residual income meant to him. I was pleased to see that my friend had paid attention to the presentation. Having been around network marketing companies before however, I have to say I was not impressed with that particular business opportunity.

I gave him my personal web site and told him to take a look at my short online presentation and then get back to me. To make a long story short, he watched presentation and later joined me in the business. My friend stayed with me in my website and domain business for almost a year and though I am thankful that he was on my team I'm disappointed to say that it was a waste of time for the both of us since he never took action to do anything to build his business nor to get trained.

Just a couple weeks ago I received another phone call from my friend requesting instructions on canceling his account. I was not surprised by this call seeing as there had not been any activity during the life of his account. But what he said next really knocked my socks off. He told me that he was going into business privately as a disk jockey (Cool!) and that he needed a web site (What?). And if I knew if anyone who could build a web site for him (Are you serious?).

I didn't understand. He signed up with me in my website and domain business because he wanted residual income. In other words, he wanted residual income and now needed an easy to build website, and yet he was calling me for instructions to cancel his account? Do you see anything wrong with this picture?

I'm fortunate and blessed to be completely unaffected (financially) by his dropping out from my business. Actually, I'm somewhat relieved as he will no longer be wasting neither his time nor mine.

Dear reader, do not get discouraged by quitters or people who just "don't get it." Just say "next." Move forward and you'll be one step closer to finding better recruits for your business.

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